LodgingForce.com is easy for you and your personnel to use.

For Your Personnel:

  1. Create an account.
  2. Click on link in confirmation email.
  3. Complete profile information.
  4. Submit a new lodging request.
  5. Receive an email once your lodging has been reserved, or check the status of any lodging request at LodgingForce.com.

For You:

  1. Call 402-570-6482 to sign up for your new account. It only costs $3,000 for the first year which includes set up, customization, and tech support. You can renew your account for as little as $2,500 per year, depending on how many years you renew for.
  2. Log in to your custom dashboard.
  3. From there you can:
    • Add, edit, or remove users from your location.
    • Manage information about your hotels including name, address, contact info, website address, map and directions, and more.
    • Receive lodging requests, assign them to groups, submit groups to a hotel from your hotels list, confirm room assignments, set up room sharing, and more.
    • View reports ranging from upcoming lodging requests to billing and payment information about previous stays (Reports currently under development).

LodgingForce.com makes your job easy.

As you can see, LodgingForce.com will save you time and money. It's easy to sign up, easy to use, and far more affordable than other military lodging management systems available today. Why pay $25,000 or more for a phone-based system when you can have a cutting edge web-based system for just a fraction of the cost?